Submissions Closed

The Space Blanket Society supports youth in showing their work and mentoring the submission of work for this group painting show. We are looking for works using any variety of painting mediums: acrylic, watercolor, gouache, oil, spray paint, etc.
The theme of the show is “Otherworldly”. We encourage submissions of painting work that examines themes around: the celestial, the spiritual, the fantastical, the mythical, and all things imaginary. Figures, creatures, or landscapes: any and all painting work that relates to this theme is welcome for submission! The show will be curated by youth.
We encourage submissions of writing alongside the paintings for those with “dual practices”: artists using writing to inspire their paintings and vice versa. Are you a writer who also creates visuals for your written work? Submit both! Writing work will be displayed online via the Space Blanket Society website.
Email us at with the subject line “2022 Painting Show”.
Please include photos of the work you wish to submit for this show, and explain in the email the size, medium, and any other important information for the curatorial team. We will choose work that best fits the theme, submit as many works as you like!
Submission Deadline is March 21 at 3:30pm.
Work that is accepted for the show will be confirmed by March 23, delivery or drop off by March 30th.